Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween News

Happy Halloween to everyone! As I type, Kit and I are waiting for the handful of little trick or treaters that should come and for Hamp's plane to land. He was in Baltimore this week working and will be home until next Tuesday before he has to go back.

First, I want to tell you that the encouragement from so many of you was such a blessing this week as I began to truly process this whole idea of moving. Thank you for taking the time to respond here or send an e-mail or a Facebook message or call.

The newest info to pass along is that we now know where we'll be living for the first year we're in Baltimore. We'll be renting a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment in an area called Fells Point which is in a restored part of the city on the harbor. After discovering that there was a reduced rate move-in special going on, that we'd be within walking distance of anything we would need, that the apartment had a partial view of the water from the living room window, and most importantly that it was only a little over 3 miles from Hamp's work, we decided to take it. We also get free parking in an actual lot for our cars and if you know anything about the north, that's probably the greatest luxury! For those of you who come visit us to watch the Orioles play baseball next season, there is a water taxi that goes across the harbor from the complex and drops you off at Camden Yards. There will be a lot of fun things to discover and we're counting on you to help us do that. Have a great weekend and thanks again for your encouragment!


Tiffany Jones said...

I'm leaving you a comment because I felt bad that you had none. Now you know how I feel. Cute Kit picture! Love you! :)

Jill said...'re such a supportive daughter! :) Kit was not happy that I wanted her picture by the pumpkin. The process of getting the picture was much more eventful than the actual shot!!

jon&katie said...

Well, I'll leave a comment too! I can't wait to come visit and go antique shopping (they do have antique stores up there, right?) I'll have to google it...I'm not a big baseball fan, but Jon likes it! So, you can count on us! We just love you and your family to pieces :)

Uncle John said...

Ok... I'll leave one too. Good guilt trip, Tiffany! Guess Matthew will be the only Jones without an ocean view from their house. Baltimore will be an adventure. We used to have an office downtown there. The project manager went there from our Atlanta office, which was located at 5 points downtown. The Atlanta 5 points area can get rather interesting. I asked him soon after he got to Baltimore how it was. He said, "Well, you know how Atlanta has 5 points?... Baltimore has 6 points, it's one worse!". Of course that was a first impression and he went on to really enjoy his time there.

Jill said...

Well, in trying to get cable, internet, and phone service set up in the apartment today for Hamp, I was asked if Baltimore was Baltimore City or Baltimore County. What is that???? It may be more than 6 points confusing!

Glenda said...

I love Kit's picture with the pumpkin!